Running vs Lifting Weight Loss: Wich is Better?

 Running or Lifting – which one should you pick?

Weight training, jogging, or a combination of both are among the best options for achieving your desired weight loss goals. Incorporating focused exercises such as running vs lifting weight loss into your routine can yield significant results.

However, it's essential to remember that maintaining a healthy diet and ensuring adequate sleep are equally crucial habits that contribute to your overall success in attaining your desired fitness level.

running vs lifting weight loss
Running vs Lifting Weight Loss: Wich is Better?

on the return from vacation, many people ask themselves the same question to start their weight loss plan: Is it better to run or to do bodybuilding exercises? And the truth is that the answer is tricky because it depends on many factors such as age and physical fitness.

It is also important to know if it is the first time you decide to do sport or if you are a person who likes to train.

Taking this into account, the idea is that you go to a professional to make a study and develop a plan designed specifically for you.

Likewise, to try to stay in shape we have to have a good diet and forget about a sedentary life.

Consequently, we will not be thinking about this question so often. For the moment, and counting on different experts, we tell you why running and weight training are very good exercises that help us to lose weight.

Why Does Running vs Lifting Weight Loss Assist in Shedding Pounds?

Running, jogging, swimming, cycling, or dancing—these cardiovascular exercises are all effective in elevating heart rate and boosting energy expenditure during the activity. Engaging in activities like running vs lifting weight loss helps to stimulate metabolism and burn calories efficiently.

These are also known as aerobic sports and, Marcos Vázquez, an expert in nutrition, personal training, and CrossFit teacher, explains what their main benefit is.
"They allow you to burn more calories per unit of time than strength training. Lifting weights is an intermittent activity, requiring high efforts interspersed with breaks.

Cardio, however, is performed at a more moderate intensity that allows us to maintain the effort for much longer, without rest," he details on his website. You also have to remember that to go running or go to the gym you need good running shoes and to stay hydrated.

On the other hand, this trainer assures that "including a couple of aerobic exercise sessions a week will improve your cardiovascular health, raise your energy flow, and allow you to eat more, making the weight loss process more tolerable".

In this regard, running experts emphasize the importance of dietary awareness, stressing the need to create a caloric deficit to reach your weight loss objectives. Whether you're engaging in running vs lifting weight loss activities, maintaining a balanced diet is paramount for achieving desired results.

What are the benefits of weight training exercises?

Bodybuilding exercises, such as lifting weights, not only elevate energy expenditure during the activity but also continue to burn calories for hours afterward.

This phenomenon, known as the afterburn effect, underscores the effectiveness of incorporating activities like running vs lifting weight loss into your fitness regimen. Moreover, despite the necessity for muscle recovery and the accompanying stiffness, the body continues to expend calories during this period, contributing to overall weight loss goals.

Thus, doing squats, weights or burpees not only increases caloric expenditure due to the energy consumption these exercises require, but they also intensify muscle mass, and these by themselves burn the fat we want to get rid of.

In this sense, it should be noted that a study by Edith Cowan University (ECU) in Australia showed that bodybuilding exercises, together with a reduction in calorie intake, have a similar efficacy on weight loss in people with obesity as aerobic exercises alone.

In summary, weight training plays a crucial role in accelerating metabolism, facilitating faster weight loss results. Whether considering running vs lifting weight loss, incorporating weight training into your fitness routine can expedite the achievement of your weight loss goals.

What if we combine running with weight training?

Gemi Osorio, personal trainer at the O2 Wellness Center, explained to Yo Dona that the best way to lose weight is to combine strength with cardio.

"With this, we build lean mass and also burn fat mass which is essential for weight loss (and maintaining it)," she insisted. And in the same way, he stressed that if your idea is to do weighted machines, always consult an expert first. This way you will learn the technique and avoid injury.

In conclusion, finding the optimal balance between running vs lifting weight loss is crucial for effective weight management. However, as emphasized earlier, seeking guidance from a fitness professional to tailor a personalized plan is highly recommended.

Additionally, remember to prioritize warm-up and cool-down routines before and after each exercise session.

Furthermore, complementing your workout regimen with a nutritious diet and maintaining good sleep hygiene are essential components for achieving long-term success in your weight loss journey.

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