10kg Weight Loss in One Month - How to lose weight quickly and in a healthy way?

10kg Weight Loss in One Month:

If you're reading this article, it's because you want to know how to lose 10 kilos in a healthy way and for good. Therefore, we want to give you advice that will help you lose 10kg weight safely and healthily. To do this, there are a series of keys to speed up your metabolism and promote fat burning that you should consider and that we will tell you about to help you achieve your 10kg weight loss journey.

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Light cardio on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, prioritizing proteins in our diet, laughing a lot and being happy, combating stress with sports and daily exercise, and, above all, eating plenty of fiber can help you.

Losing weight is a challenging goal to achieve, but with commitment, effort, and willpower, it can be done. These guidelines and tips that we have gathered in this list will help you lose 10 kilos quickly and, above all, without compromising your health.

1- Set a realistic and achievable goal

Wanting to lose 10 kg overnight is not a realistic goal. In addition to potentially compromising your health along the way and thus increasing the risk of rebound effect afterward, not achieving it can greatly affect your motivation and increase the risk of failure prematurely.

A suitable weight loss is around 0.5 kg per week. That is, you can lose approximately 10 kg in 5 months. This would be the most realistic time you may need for your change. Therefore, Alimmenta always recommends not to consider or think of losing 10 kg as a drastic change that is achieved overnight. Above all, take care of your metabolism!

2- Change the way you approach the process

One of the most important things is to change the initial approach you take to this process of change. Don't think about "following or starting a diet." What will help you lose weight, but above all maintain it, is not going on a diet for a while and that's it, but acquiring and creating healthy eating, rest, hydration, and physical activity habits that make you feel comfortable and help you achieve and, above all, maintain it.

That's why I always recommend to my patients who come to my consultation to look at the number on the scale as little as possible, so that the process focuses on learning, creating habits that make you feel comfortable, and improving your eating behavior not so much by how many kilos you have lost per week. It may also be very important to learn to count and calculate the calories in foods.

Once you change your approach and set a more realistic goal, let's delve into the changes you can make in your diet to help you, which Adriana Oroz Lacunza, an expert from Alimmenta, a nutritionist clinic in Barcelona, ​​offers us.

3- Establish a daily meal plan

Establish a daily meal plan that makes you feel comfortable, which helps you better regulate your intake, your satiety, and the energy deficit you need to lose weight

The recommended number of meals per day will vary depending on our schedule, habits, and lifestyle, but perhaps it can help you regulate hunger better by having 3 main meals and considering completing them with a snack mid-morning or in the afternoon.

This way you can make a good distribution of the different nutrients that your body needs; proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in the diet to seek weight loss.

4- Don't prohibit food groups

It's not about following a strict diet where food groups are limited or prohibited. It's about eating from all food groups to get all the nutrients that our body needs properly in the right amounts for the goal, in this case, weight loss.

There is a tendency to think that the fewer calories ingested, the better. Skipping breakfast or going to bed without dinner doesn't help, on the contrary, it might be unknowingly keeping you away from your goal. If you go many hours without eating, anxiety or ravenous hunger may appear, predisposing you to consume unhealthy foods.

5- Ensure a good intake of vegetables

It is basic, not only for its richness in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants but also for its high fiber content. Consuming 5 servings of vegetables a day with 2 servings of vegetables at main meals and 3 servings of fruit throughout the day will help you feel much fuller and facilitate the deficit.

Vegetables are some of the most satiating foods to learn to eat better and avoid binge eating.

6- Don't forget about proteins

Proteins should be included in every meal because they have significant benefits for achieving caloric deficit, increasing satiety, and maintaining muscle mass in the weight loss process.

Include in your plate foods rich in proteins with white and blue fish, preferably lean meat, eggs, seafood, dairy, legumes, and derivatives such as tofu, and textured soy...

7- Include carbohydrates in your diet

Carbohydrates should never be completely eliminated from the diet as they are the main source of energy. 

They will help you have more energy during the day, feel more satiated, and have a better adherence to the nutritional plan

But you should adjust their portion to the needs derived from the physical activity you perform and prioritize those of better quality (i.e., not pastry carbohydrates) and even better if they are whole grains, so they have more fiber and more nutrients; legumes, tubers such as potatoes or sweet potatoes, rice, pasta or wholemeal bread, quinoa, couscous...etc.

8- Ensure an adequate portion of fat

Fat is another nutrient that you should not neglect in your nutritional plan because it plays an important role in the hormonal processes of the body. 

But you indeed have to consider that it is the nutrient that provides the most calories so you have to take care of your portion. Moderate the amount of oil you use for dressing, the portion of nuts you want to choose, the avocado...etc.

9- Plan and organize your week

Think about which day you do the shopping, when you will cook, when you exercise, when you eat out…etc. It will help you to have everything more organized because this way you will avoid making bad food choices (grabbing the first thing you find) or leaving aside those habits that bring you closer to your goal.

  1. To better plan your main meals, you can use the plate method. A guide that will help you ensure that they are balanced, and varied without excluding any food. How? 
  2. Always give preference, with half of your plate, to vegetables both raw and cooked. With salads, the amount consumed is usually not enough, so you should not forget to also consume vegetables.
  3. A quarter of the plate should be foods rich in proteins in the form of eggs, meat, fish, seafood, vegetable protein, or legumes and the other quarter of the plate should be composed of foods rich in carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, potatoes, or wholemeal bread.
  4. You just have to complete it with dressing in the form of extra virgin olive oil.
  5. You can complement your meal with a fruit dessert or a dairy dessert. As you can see, you don't have to exclude any food group from your plate to make it balanced.
  6. Diet is very important, but it is necessary to include in the process of changing habits of regular physical activity, rest, hydration, and stress management so that you achieve your goal successfully.

10- Take care of your hydration

Ensure a correct daily intake of water: minimum 1-1.5 L per day (water with or without flavored gas with fruit, cucumber, ginger, lime, infusions, or tea). 

To check if you are well hydrated, observe that the color of your urine is almost transparent. Thirst is often confused with hunger, so drinking water at main meals and throughout the day will help you feel more satisfied during the day.

11- Active lifestyle

Maintain an active lifestyle and a scheduled physical activity routine

  • Do not exercise as a compensatory method for excessive intake, if so, it will end up taking its toll.
  • It is necessary to include physical activity within the approach with strength training to increase lean body mass and aerobic training to increase caloric expenditure.

But it is useless to exercise regularly if the rest of the day we are sedentary. It is best to have an active lifestyle. Try to reach 9,000 daily steps, avoid elevators, walk to places...everything counts.

12- Take care of your rest and your emotions

Do activities that are enjoyable and help you escape from problems and relieve stress. If your life is full of pleasant things, you won't need to fill your stomach all the time or relieve your stress with food. Plus, living with less stress is the secret to a better quality of life. Take care of yourself emotionally.

As you can see, to lose weight you don't have to go on a diet for a while and that's it, but take care of several areas of your life that benefit you in having good health and consequently an improvement in your body composition.

If with these tips we have given you you do not evolve favorably, we advise you to go to a qualified professional, that is, to a dietitian nutritionist who can help you detect what mistakes you make and personalize the advice that will help you achieve your goal. Our goal is to educate and teach them to have a varied and healthy diet. 

But, in addition, in a balanced way, without miracle diets or unhealthy promises. With personalized and individualized nutritional plans, performing an assessment of nutritional status, setting realistic and achievable goals.

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